3 Best Recommendations: The Way You Type Matters It is recommended that you remove any chunky jewelery such as bracelets or heavy rings. It is important to stretch the muscles in your fingers, hands and forearms both before and after typing. Most importantly, keeping the hands over the keyboard in a neutral position is crucial….
The Three Best Suggestions: Customize Your Chair Adjust the height of your chair so you can keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a 90-degree angle. You can also rest your feet on a prop, like a footrest or a phone book for extra support. Take Micro Breaks Many people tuck their…
What Else Do Massages Do? Yes, massages do feel great but there is so much more to them than what you may think. From a simple touch, to pressure points, a massage can activate certain cells that release hormones and natural chemicals in your body that help heal from various ailments. From headaches to lack…
Happy Employees Productive Employees The old saying is “Happy wife, happy life”. The same can be held true with employees. It refers to treating someone well and setting them up for success, this will bring you happy and productive employees. Forbes states “happy employees are up to 20% more productive than unhappy employees.” Meaning your employees’ happiness…
Spring is finally here and instead of basking in the warm weather, allergy sufferers like me, might be feeling nothing but dread. The good news is allergy sufferers might experience relief from their symptoms by making a massage a part of their weekly routine, and who doesn’t like a massage! Below are the three main…
It’s that time of the year again! W2s have been mailed out and tax season is right around the corner. If you’re like the majority of people, tax season can be a major source of stress for you and the people around you. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce the stress caused…
As it has been getting pretty cold outside lately, you may have noticed yourself performing one of your body’s oldest involuntary reactions: shivering! The body’s shiver reflex is a response to the cold that happens only in warm-blooded animals such as ourselves. To produce the shivering effect, the muscles in the body contract and expand in fast bursts,…
The skin is the largest organ in the body and it needs a special kind of care during the winter season. There are plenty of dangers to the skin throughout the winter season and ways to prevent these dangers from happening. Drying Out The skin is especially susceptible to drying out throughout the winter. Therefore,…
The holidays are a time of great joy, but they can also be a time of stress. There is food to prepare, presents to buy, presents to wrap, cranky relatives coming over, and oh no! Santa just spilled his milk all over the living room floor! The holidays are a time to give to others…
When we aren’t feeling well, a first instinct is to place a hand on our heads and see if we’re feeling warmer than usual, by which time it is usually too late to keep from infecting our colleagues. But we hardly ever take our temperatures when we feel great and that’s where preventive measures come…