Whenever you go for a vaccination, do you get nervous? Believe it or not, this is an issue many children, young adults and even seniors still struggle with today.
Trypanophobia is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or needles, and it is more severe in some than others. Those who are uncomfortable with injections may experience symptoms such as muscle tension, difficulty to breathe or even feeling faint.
The Journal of Advanced Nursing published a study in 2018, which found that millions of people around the world are afraid of substance injections. So, if you are afraid just remember you are not alone.
One key observation of the study found that one in six healthcare workers in long‐term care facilities as well as 1 in 13 healthcare workers in hospitals avoided their flu shots because of their fear of needles.1 While it was concluded that the fear of needles requires more attention, thousands have been able to overcome their fear. The results emphasized that as people grew older, their fear of needles began to lighten up.
Overcoming a fear of needles is possible and it’s easier than you think. Common practices in overcoming this fear include,
- Meditating
- Distraction
- Treating Yourself
People who are more severely impacted might even consider trying counselling. Sources online have proven people overcoming their fears with exposure and patience.2
Setting some time aside to mentally prepare is always a good idea. Mediation can help ease your mind and has been studied to help manage stress. Mediation can be done in numerous ways but our favorite form is through massage! Muscle relaxtion can completely reset your mood and improve your performance throughout the rest of the day.
Avoiding your fear or any problem only provides time for that negative emotion to grow stronger. By meditating, you challenge your stress with solutions until you are no longer bothered. Before your next big event or presentation, we recommend setting aside a half an hour just to envision yourself going through the motions. Mental exercises like this can boost your confidence!
Distract Yourself
Try to avoid staring at the injection. By centering your focus on the shot, you may tense up your muscles, making it harder for the medication to be administered.
You should always be open with your doctor and willing to discuss any concerns. If you are anxious before your shot, they will remind you of the health benefits and take their time administering the injection.
Don’t be afraid to ask a friend or family member to come with you! Bringing someone you’re comfortable with can make the experience a bit more enjoyable. Having someone to talk will help ease your mind and stop you from crowding your head with negative thoughts. Don’t be shy since you can always grab something to eat afterwards!
Treat Yourself!
We know you might not be excited about getting a shot, but why not give yourself a reason to be! By scheduling a massage after your appoitment, you can transform your anxiety into calmness. You deserve something special for keeping your body healthy!
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McLenon, J., & Rogers, M. (2019). The fear of needles: A systematic review and meta- analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(1), 30–42. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13818
Smith, Jen Rose. “Millions Have a Real Fear of Needles. Overcoming That Is Critical for the Vaccine Rollout.” CNN, Cable News Network, 13 Jan. 2021, www.cnn.com/2021/01/12/health/fear-of-needles-covid-vaccine-wellness/index.html.
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