Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed saltwater inhalation therapy for bronchial and lung disorders.
Healthy intake:The scientific consensus from the American Heart Association and Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is that sodium should be limited to less than 2,300mg per day for adults and children ages 14 years and older. Individual needs, however, vary enormously based a person’s genetic make-up and their lifestyle.
When shopping for culinary or bath salt, it is important to find the words “all natural” on the packaging and avoid highly refined salts, for they are bleached and chemically treated.
In its natural form, salt is an easily processed nutrient that influences the body in three distinct ways:
Most of our salt comes from foods, some from water. Doctors often recommend replacing water and salt lost in exercise and when working outside. And just like with everything in our life, balance is crucial for optimum results.
Massage At Work USA is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of our clients and massage therapists at every appointment.